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Uniwersytet Bankivs'koi Spravy. Visnyk (ISSN: 2221-755X)

PublisherUniwersytet Bankivs'koi Spravy



IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending



The Review is devoted to the questions of Economics, Accounting, finance and Banking. The Review is intended for specialists of banking and financial systems, managers and specialists of enterprises of all forms of ownership, academics and students of educational institutions.
The topics of Reviews are following:
- Theoretical principles and macroeconomic aspects of the financial systems development;
- Banks and other financial institutions development problems and prospects in modern terms;
- Accounting, analysis and audit problems;
- Ekоnоmіk mathematical modelling and informational technologies;
- Social aspects of the financial-еkоnоmіk systems' development.

Last modified: 2018-01-12 18:53:03


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