Vector of science of Togliatti State University. Series: Economics and Management (ISSN: 2221-5689)
PublisherTogliatti State University (Togliatti)
IF(Impact Factor)0.347 / 2018
- Journal of Zhytomyr State Technological University. Series: Economics, Management and Administration
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Science Vector of Togliatti State UniversityThe goal of journal “Science Vector of Togliatti State University” is to provide national and international scientists with an opportunity to publish their research results, as well as to exchange their experience, theoretical and practical knowledge.
Main Objectives of the Journal:
publishing papers presenting results of original open scientific and research works, theoretical and experimental studies;
publishing papers presenting modern state of science and technology in particular fields;
publishing materials of scientific conferences, symposiums, researches, meetings, as well as information about national and international scientific schools.
Journal “Science Vector of Togliatti State University” has been included in the List of peer-reviewed scientific journals publishing scientific theses of Candidate and Doctor Degrees dissertations – “List of the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC)” valid since 01.12.2015 (No 176 in the HAC List).
Certificate of Registration with the Mass Media: PI No FS77-36741 dated 1 July 2009.
Publications in the journal “Science Vector of Togliatti State University” are included into calculation systems of citation indices for authors and journals.“Citation index” is a numerical indicator showing the value of a particular paper. It is calculated based on further publications citing this work.
Five-Year Impact Factor of the journal “Science Vector of Togliatti State University” in RSCI for 2016 is 0.435.
Journal “Science Vector of Togliatti State University” accepts papers in the following fields:
In the Technical Sciences section the works related to specialty group:
05.02.00 “Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science”
The editorial policy of the Journal is based on the traditional ethical principles of scientific periodicals for editors, reviewers and authors, adopted by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
In the event of a violation of ethical principles, the editorial board of the journal is guided by the COPE instructions.
The editorial policy of the Journal consists of 3 parts:
1. Publication ethics
2. Provisions on the procedure for reviewing manuscripts
3. Terms of publication of manuscripts
Any relationship between the staff of the Journal, authors, reviewers, editors must be carried out in accordance with the publication ethics of the Journal.
The publication of articles in the Journal is exclusively free of charge.
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Attempts by authors to offer financial rewards will result in publication rejection.
Editorial policy regarding conflicts of interest
If a conflict of interest between the reviewer or editor is identified with the author of the article, the article should be immediately transferred to another reviewer or editor. The evaluation of the article should not be biased. The presence of a conflict of interest should not lead to a refusal to publish. The main criterion for evaluating a manuscript is its scientific quality.
Editorial policy against plagiarism
Before reviewing, all submitted manuscripts, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Journal, are checked through the "Antiplagiat" system for the correctness of borrowings. In the event of detection of techniques to hide plagiarism, or reasonable suspicions of plagiarism, the article is rejected.
If plagiarism is detected in an article already published in the Journal, the editorial board of the Journal will retrace (recall) such a publication.
Editorial policy regarding article content
The article should be a complete research. It should include a full cycle from setting a task to a reliable solution to the task. In the summary section of the article "Main results and conclusions", the provisions determining the contribution of this research to science should be clearly formulated.
The editors consider it unacceptable to publish parts of dissertations and dissertation abstracts. The results of dissertations must be published before the defense of the dissertation, but not vice versa. The journal does not publish reviews and articles stating the current state of affairs. The results presented in the article should be of scientific novelty; review articles are accepted for publication only by order of the editorial board.
Last modified: 2020-08-11 13:43:00
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