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Time description of economic reform / Часопис економічних реформ (ISSN: 2221-8440)

PublisherVolodymyr Dahl Eastern National University; National Aerospace University Kharkiv Aviation Institute




IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending



Year of establishment:: 2010
Problems: coverage for socio-economic development of Ukraine, methodological and applied problems of modern economics, studies in economics, management, production and business; experience reforms in all spheres of economic activity
ISSN: 2221-8440
Certificate of registration: КВ № 19842-9642 ПР від 19.03.2013
Professional registration in Ukraine: Resolution № 1-05/5 of 31.05.2011 (Bulletin number 7)
Branch science: economic sciences, public administration
Periodicity: 4 times for year
Language edition: Ukrainian, Russian, English (mixed language)
Founder: Східноукраїнський національний університет імені Володимира Даля
Editor: Tetyana Calinescu, Profesor, PhD of Economic
Deputy Editor: Lidiya Kostyrko, Profesor, PhD of Economic
Responsible editor: Ganna Likhonosova, PhD of Economic
Members of the Editorial Board: Bobyleva A.Z., Dr. Econ. sciences; Danich V.M., Dr. Econ. Science; Zhitna I.P., Dr. Econ. Science; Zhitniy P.E., Dr. Econ. sciences; Zablodska I.V., Dr. Econ. sciences; Zakzhevsky Yu, PhD. Econ. sciences; Yonova I., PhD. Econ. sciences; Levashov L., PhD. Econ. Sciences; Ramazanov SK, Dr. Econ. and Engineering. Science; Тretiak V. Dr. Econ. sciences; Сhizh VI, Dr. Econ. Science
Editorial address: Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University
kv. Моlodezhniy, 20-А, Luhansk, Ukraine, 91034
Тел.: (0642) 500-748
Факс: (0642) 41-31-60
illumination problems of socio-economic development country, deep study of methodological and applied problems of modern economy; making results of researches is in industry economy, management, organization of production and enterprise; distribution of experience reformations is in all spheres economic activity, grant of informative support to the graduate students, future doctor and young scientists
Language edition of the magazine: mixed languages ??- Ukrainian , Russian and English .
All materials received for publication in the journal have external review also undergo peer review by members of the Editorial Board , reviewed and recommended by the Academic Council of East Ukrainian National University named after Volodymyr Dahl to print.
The views expressed in the articles views and opinions do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editorial Board. Responsibility for the accuracy of the information in the articles , the accuracy titles , names and quotes are authors.
Editors reserves the right to minor literary texts and editorial cuts while preserving the author's style.
Available materials will not be returned and can not be published in other scientific journals.
In cases of plagiarism detection responsibility of the authors of submitted materials.
American publisher Bowker (New York) were monitored quality publications and articles published by the magazine "Time discription of economic reforms." The study yielded positive results, the journal of the American scientific interest is the audience because the January 2014 Journal of Research and Production
"Time discription of economic reforms" is included in the international database Scientometrics
Ulrich's Periodicals Directory!
According to the annual evaluation and ranking of scientific journals Catalog of Central and Eastern Europe and scientometric indexer Index Copernicus Journal of November 2012 are included in this international framework Scientometrics!
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TIME DISCRIPTION of economic reforms in Російському індексі наукового цитування (РІНЦ)
license Agreement № 210-04/2013 of 25 april 2013

Last modified: 2022-02-09 21:22:29
