Research in Pedagogy (ISSN: 2217-7337)
PublisherPreschool Teacher Training College Vrsac and SAO
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
Research in Pedagogy is an international peer-reviewed journal, with an international editorial board. It is devoted to publishing research papers in different education related fields presenting findings of scientific research in pedagogy, before all, empirical, but also theoretical, applied, etc.The journal is published with the aim of arousing interest in pedagogic research and opening up possibilities to test and critically consider the reaches and limitations of more recent theoretical approaches, models and strategies in upbringing and education according to research findings. One of the intentions is to inspire, strengthen and empower communication among researchers in the region, as well as across all European countries and worldwide, with the research findings being a bridge between theoretical concepts and practice, providing practitioners with the opportunity to investigate their own work themselves, thus getting closer to the model of reflective practitioners. Furthermore, the purpose of the journal is to serve the actors involved in the educational policies reform often grounded on arbitrary assessments and supported by weak empirical arguments; on the other hand, great social changes have in the last decades of transition been seeking for scientific explication of pedagogic strategies context.
Not less valuable aim is to incite theoretical reflections on methodological issues, i.e. to discuss meta-theoretical matters, philosophical grounds of paradigms in pedagogic research, the reaches and limitations of heterodox and orthodox paradigm, the possibility of their triangulation…
The journal Research in pedagogy is published by the Serbian Academy of Education in Belgrade ( that organizes, develops and encourages scientific-research work in the field of education, with an emphasis on theoretical and empirical research of education as social activity, as well as teaching disciplines important for knowledge improvement. The members of the Serbian Academy of Education are acknowledged as scientists, researchers, university professors from Serbia, as well other European countries from various fields (pedagogy, sociology of education, psychology, mathematics, andragogy, technical sciences, economy, technology, physical education and biomechanics). The Preschool Teacher Training College “Mihailo Palov” in Vrsac ( is the co-publisher of the journal. The college is a successor of the institutions that used to train primary school and preschool teachers (Germans, Serbs, Romanians, Hungarians, Jews….) since the German Preparadia dating from 1954. The scientific activity of the College refers to the participation of its professors in both domestic and international projects, organization of international scientific conferences, publishing activity.
Only original scientific papers will be published in the Journal representing findings of qualitative and quantitative empirical research. It is issued twice a year (in December and June) in the English language.
Last modified: 2016-02-09 22:43:21