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Journal of Information and Communication Engineering (ISSN: 2186-9162)

PublisherApplied Science and Computer Science Publications



IF(Impact Factor)2024 Evaluation Pending



Innovation has never and will never happen in a vacuum, it requires information and communication engineering. These two domains are already integrated into our society and affecting our everyday life so profoundly during the twenty-first century beyond any early expectations. And they are going to play a significant role in the years to come in our everyday lifestyle. For example, the satellites communications that offersa wide variety of services such as: (1) the remote sensing satellite, the art of determining position of a platform or an objectat any specified time, (3) the use of satellites for scientific research has removed the constraints like attenuation and blocking of radiation by the Earth’s atmosphere, gravitational effects on measurement and difficulty in making in situ studies imposed by the Earth-based observations,(4) interactive TV and broadband internet services are the outcomes of research in the area of communication engineering.
To make all stages of research, development, design and production as efficient as possible, it is important to possess a clear understanding of how engineers, practitioners, scholars determine their information needs, fill them, use the information, and share their own resulting information. By discovering these patterns and systematizing that knowledge, communication engineering at all stages of engineering work will be made more effective, which will increase the potential for high quality progress in engineering endeavors. For this to happen, it should be a way to connect engineers, scientists, practitioners at all levels, and this way is through Journal.
Journal article are extremely useful and valuable to engineers, scientists, and scholars to: (1) expand alternative, (2) form a basis for instruction of new scientists, (3) generate alternative approaches,(4) generate critical dimensions, (5) set limits of acceptability, (6) reject alternative approaches, (7) be up-to date of new discoveries,(8) get new ideas for research projects and more. JICE’s aim is to make that happen. The Journal of Information and Communication Engineering (JICE) is a peer-reviewed International Journal that publishes high quality of articlesin all areas of Information and communication engineering, and related fields.
JICE cordially invites and encourages authors to share their experiencedise by submitting their original research articles, improved existing methods, or revised theory for publication. Articles can be submitted for regular issues or for special issues based on author’s requirement.

Last modified: 2015-05-10 17:44:46


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