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Global eLearning Journal (ISSN: 2165-8080)

PublisherAffordable Global Learning Solutions



IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending



Global eLearning is the first and only refereed chronicle of its kind in the world: 1) international in scope and purpose, 2) available online, 3) sponsored by IMS, an international organization focused exclusively on digital learning, and 4) MERLOT (Multimedia Educational Resource for Teaching and Online Learning), an international community of peer reviewed online teaching and learning materials. Research papers published in the chronicle are clearly and firmly rooted in solid methodologies, whether quantitative or qualitative. Practitioner based articles and reflections are also solicited.
The primary purpose of the chronicle is the provision of an international forum for the discussion of issues guiding, impacting, and transforming digital innovation and globalization at the local, national, or international level. Pioneering analysis reflecting innovation, research, practice, or reflection from the field is solicited.
All submissions to the Global eLearning Journal are subjected to a double blind review selection process. Scholars, administrators, policymakers, educators, and students who wish to shape the future of Global eLearning in Higher Education are encouraged to submit manuscripts.

Last modified: 2016-02-25 21:31:24
