Physical Review X (ISSN: 2160-3308)
PublisherAmerican Physical Society
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
Physical Review X (PRX) is APS’s highly selective, online-only, fully open access journal launched in May 2011. It aims to publish, as timely as possible, a limited number of key papers from all areas of pure, applied, and interdisciplinary physics, that merit broad dissemination and high visibility. PRX’s mission is to disseminate innovative and impactful research advances to the broad science and engineering communities under its open access publishing model.PRX Features:
Science-based stringent selection of KEY papers from all areas of pure, applied, and interdisciplinary physics
Small volume, high visibility, broad dissemination
Particular attention to innovative cross-topic, cross-field, and cross-disciplinary research of wide impact
Personalized and responsive editorial/review process
Scientific oversight by a distinguished, international, and topically broad Editorial Board
Flexible article lengths
Popular Summaries for a broad readership
Global free access to all content supported by a $1700 open-access charge to authors or their institutions.
Last modified: 2015-04-25 17:43:51
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