Journal of Economics and Administrative Science (ISSN: 2149-3391)
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
- Journal of Economics, Finance & Administrative Science
- Karabük Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi (UNIKA Toplum ve Bilim) Dergisi [(Journal of Karabuk University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (UNIKA Society & Science)]
- Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences
- International Journal of Economics & Administrative Studies
- Ataturk University Journal of Economics & Administrative Sciences
1. Giresun University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences is an international refereed journal and it is published twice a year in Fall and Spring semesters. There may be special issues when needed.2. In the journal, articles in Turkish and English, book introductions and criticisms and case studies are published in the fields of notably economics, business administration, political sciences, public administration, international relations and public finance and in addition to these, finance, management and organization, accounting, quantitative methods, operational research, marketing, econometrics, labour economics, political history, international law etc.
3. Articles sent to the journal must be unpublished before, not sent to be published or not accepted to be published. A paper that is presented in a scientific meeting must include the name, the place and the date of the meeting as a footnote.
4. Views and scientific responsibilities in articles belong to the author(s), it doesn't have any relation with the journal. In case that, articles are accepted to be published, the journal has all the rights of publication. In case of deciding the article to be published, authors transfer their rights of publication to the journal.
5. Articles sent to the journal are examined preliminary with regards to form and substance by the related editor, they are decided whether they are suitable for publishing or not, and then they are sent to referees. Article is sent to two referees in that field. Sending the article to the related referee is decided by the fields of articles. The referees are not informed about the identities of authors and authors are not informed about the identities of referees. Referee reports are confidential.
6. In case of two positive opinions from both referees, the article is lined up for publishing. In case of two negative opinions from both referees, the article is not published under any circumstances. In case of two different opinions from both referees, the article is sent to a third referee; the article is decided to be published or not to be published according to the third referee's opinion. According to the reports from referees, the article is decided to be published exactly the same (admission), to be corrected, to be added or extracted (correction) or it is decided not to be published (denial), and this decision is submitted to the author(s) in at most in 2 months.
7. In case of submission of correction from referees, the author is informed and the author is demanded to send the article after correction. Articles, which are demanded to be corrected, are not published in case of not sending within the specified period
8. The right to publish sent articles belongs to the journal management. Papers published in the journal cannot be copied without written permission of journal management and cannot be republished in anywhere else (printed or on internet). The contributor is deemed to have accepted these conditions.
Last modified: 2017-12-26 04:44:06
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