International Refereed Journal of Humanities and Academic Sciences (UHBAB) (ISSN: 2147-4168)
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
- International Refereed Academic Social Sciences Journal
- Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences
- Global Academic Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Humanicus: Academic Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Philosophy
- Current contents of academic journals in Japan. The humanities and social sciences
International Refereed Journal of Humanities and Academic Sciences was published in 2012. The journal publishes original, review, and research papers in social sciences. The journal is international, refereed and academic. The journal brings together various studies in social sciences. The language of the journal is Turkish. However, the journal publishes papers in different languages. Science is universal. The main objective of the journal is to provide an intellectual platform for the authors, referees, and the members of science and advisory board who are all welcome to contribute to the development of science within the rules of ethics. The journal aims at becoming one of the leading journals publishing in social sciences to contribute to scientific and academic advancement. The journal also aims at introducing the readers and researchers to the most qualified and sufficient papers. In the journal nobody is privileged. The journal is published four times in a year, at the end of March, June, September, and December. The submitted manuscripts are firstly taken into evaluation by the editorial board. Provided that the articles meet the preliminary evaluation requirements, they are sent for scholarly assessment to the referees who are experts in the appropriate field. Each paper is evaluated by the two field referees, and the approved papers are accepted to be published. Each paper is asked to be revised for three times at most. If the manuscript is not corrected or revised for the third time, the study is rejected automatically. Each process in the journal can be followed through the system. The journal is an internet/web-based journal that all the records are kept in the system. In each issue one single manuscript of the same author is included. Other manuscripts of the same author are saved to be published in the following issues. Different studies or papers with multiple authors might be accepted to be published if the editorial board deems appropriate. This is arranged within the rules of the journal, no sanctions can be imposed on the journal. In the journal, APA 5 system is used. Research topics and the use of language are of great importance. Direct quotations are never accepted. If internet sources are used, the link and the date of access must be given. In the studies that require the ethics committee approval, the approval report should be submitted to the journal. Even though the referees accept the manuscript, it will not be published unless the approval report is submitted to the journal. In this case, none of the authors or researchers can assert legal rights. In the journal, copyright agreement is not signed. However, the editorial board or the editors might request the author/authors to sign the agreement if necessary. The manuscripts, sent to the journal, should not have been submitted to another journal previously or under consideration for publication simultaneously. The journal has a claim on rejecting the articles prior to the referee assessment process unilaterally. None of the authors can assert legal rights in this case. The names of the referees will not be revealed to the authors. The names are known only by the editors. The evaluation reports of the referees are sent to the authors by the system and in written documents. Since it is a web-based journal, activating their memberships on the internet, the authors can follow the process. The information concerning the evaluation process is also sent via the emails of the authors. Articles forwarded to the referees cannot be withdrawn without the permission of the editor, in this case, authors cannot assert any legal rights. In all circumstances, and legal process, the records of the articles are kept for or against the authors. In case of plagiarism or any other legal problems, judicial process is initiated about the concerned author or authors by the “Lawyers” of the journal unilaterally. The evaluation process takes two months. However due to some problems it might take three months. The science board gives the final decision on the paper in case some problems are encountered during the evaluation process. Since this decision is the final one, the chief editor abides by the decision. Decisions are out of question. Approved articles can be saved to be published in the subsequent issues. In this case, a written document is given to the authors. The information in these documents must be accepted by the authors. It is the editorial board who assigns the number of the issues in which the papers will be published. None of the authors can assert legal rights. Sanctions cannot be imposed on the journal. The papers published in the journal can be studied by giving reference to the journal. If the papers in the journal are used without giving references, sanctions can be imposed on the authors. It is the authors, responsible for this situation. Papers which do not contribute to the development of science and do not include novelty will not be published in the journal. The journal publishes articles in social sciences. The journal publishes interdisciplinary studies in social sciences, and the journal will not publish the studies out of the scope of social sciences even if they are accepted.Last modified: 2013-02-02 16:08:06
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