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Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis. Estudios hispanicos (ISSN: 2084-2546)

PublisherUniversity of Wroclaw



IF(Impact Factor)2024 Evaluation Pending



Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis. Estudios hispanicos
Published since 1988, Estudios Hispánicos is an official publication Iberian Institute of the Department of Romance Philology at the University of Wroclaw. The journal is the oldest scientific Iberian Studies publication in Poland. The journal is a philological and thus presents the results of the linguistic, literary, theoretical, methodological, historical, and civilizational studies and dedicated Polish-Spanish relations on the Iberian Peninsula and in Latin America. Individual issues are composed thematically around the research focus proposed by the editors, always announced in advance on the journals website. Estudios Hispánicos tries to document the ongoing activities hispanistów Polish and the most important events in the world hispanistyczne department review, trying to record all Polish hispanistyczne publications and books devoted to the Spanish-speaking Polish, and section information, presenting significant Polish and foreign hispanistyczne symposia, conferences, anniversary celebrations, and Noting the topics of doctoral and Master's Degree in Spanish Philology completed in Polish universities. The journal attempts to: document the relationship between the hispanic world and Poland as well as the most important events in latter; make record of all Polish publications and books devoted to Spanish-speaking Poles; present significant Polish and foreign hispanic studies symposia, conferences, anniversary celebrations, and the theses of doctoral and Master's Degree candidates in Spanish philology completed in Polish universities.
Articles are published in Spanish and other Romance languages.
ISSN: 2084-2546
Contact: University of Wroclaw

Last modified: 2012-11-08 22:31:19


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