MIR [World] (Modernization. Innovation. Research) (ISSN: 2079-4665)
PublisherPublishing House "Science"
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
Focus and ScopeIn the journal “MIR [World] (Modernization. Innovation. Research)” [“MIR (Modernizatcija. Innovatcii. Razvitie”)] the main topics of research are innovative mechanisms of functioning of economic systems that integrate high resource potential of the country including a wide range of resource-saving, high-tech and environmentally friendly technologies.
The food security, competitiveness and strategic steadiness of industrial factories as well as management of the development of high-tech industries are regarded.
The journal aims to provide an opportunity for scientific and business community to publish results of their research whereby to attract the attention of important areas of economic science. Thus the main task is the promotion of results of research and innovative practical achievements in all spheres of Economy in the world.
Last modified: 2016-06-19 14:49:48
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