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Insurance Markets and Companies: Analyses and Actuarial Computations (ISSN: 2078-2454)

PublisherLLC “СPС “Business Perspectives




IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending



The main purpose of the journal is to develop the theoretical and methodical provisions with regard to insurance statistics and insurance mathematics, to illustrate the practical use of statistical and mathematical tools in the insurance companies' activity.
Key topics: statistical investigations of insurance market;
insurance statistics methodology; demographic statistics and its use in the insurance; actuarial computations methodology; underwriting of insurance risks; actuarial computations in hazardous types of insurance; actuarial computations in life assurance; actuarial computations in retirement insurance; financial management of insurance investment funds; risk management in insurance activities;
reinsurance of risks by insurance companies.
The journal is aimed at researchers, scholars, lecturers, students in institutions of higher education, and practitioners alike. The journal is published quarterly.

Last modified: 2015-05-25 19:10:34


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