Herald of Dagestan State Technical University. Technical Science (ISSN: 2073-6185)
PublisherDaghestan State Technical University
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
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Scientific journal “Herald of Dagestan State Technical University. Technical Sciences” is a periodical which reflects the results of fundamental and applied sciences in such spheres as mechanics, power, metallurgic and chemical machine building, informatics, computing science and management, building and architecture, economics as well as the results of research works for the scientific degree seeking in the appropriate spheres.Scientific journal “Herald of Dagestan State Technical University. Technical Sciences” (ISSN 2073-6185) has been issued since1997 inaccordance with the decision of the Academic Council of the FSBEE HE “DSTU”. The journal is registered in the Federal Service for Communication, Information technologies and Mass Communication (ROSKOMNADZOR), certificate PI NoFS77-30186 of 9 November 2007. Subscription index71366 inthe federal catalogue of periodicals of the “Rospechat” Agency. Subscription index93522 inthe union catalogue of the “Russian Press”. The journal is included in the List of leading Reviewed scientific journals and periodicals of the High Certificate Committee of the RF, which publishes the main results of research works for the scientific degree seeking.
Scientific journal “Herald of Dagestan State Technical University. Technical Sciences” is in the scientific electronic library (e-library) ? project head executer on creating of the Russian index of the scientific citing (RISC). The journal is assigned for readers showing a professional interest in the processes of engineering modernization, innovative and socially economic development of the state. Today the journal is presented as a periodical of the specific tendency. Its topical diversity, high scientific level, good polygraphic quality distinguish it. The Journal is reviewed, periodicity ? 4 times per year, circulation ? 500 copies.
Last modified: 2016-08-25 15:49:14
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