Scientific Bulletin of National Mining University (ISSN: 2071-2227)
PublisherNational Mining University
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
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Науковий вісник Національного гірничого університетуNaukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universitetu
Scientific Bulletin of National Mining University
The journal covers different aspects of development mineral resource industry and power industry. We publish materials of the researches in the promising areas of fundamental science, information about actual engineering products, introduction of innovations in different fields of science: geology, mining, mechanics, mechanical engineering, ecology, economics and management.
Our aim is to contribute to exchange of scientific ideas, methodology and states-of-the-practice, to provide information field for discussion of new theories and cross-disciplinary researches, to spread information about special scientific and technical conferences, new tutorials, monographs of scientists, to assist in creative networking between research and production teams.
The journal covers such scientific fields as: geology, mining, solid-state physics and mineral processing, mining mechanical engineering and machine building, electrical complexes and systems, power supply technologies, environmental safety and labour protection, information technologies, systems analysis and administration, economy and management.
Frequency of publication: Bi Monthly (6 times a year)
Contact name:
Kseniia Kyslova,
Editorial Office of "Scientific Bulletin of National Mining University", Ukraine,
Dnipropetrovsk, 19, K. Marks Ave. building. 3, office. 24-a
Last modified: 2012-06-12 19:24:35
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