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ICST Transactions on Emerging Internet Infrastructures (ISSN: 2032-9431)




IF(Impact Factor)2024 Evaluation Pending



The nature of and requirements for network infrastructure are changing rapidly. Traditional data networks are evolving to accommodate dramatically increased loads, ever expanding geographic extent, and more demanding quality of service requirements for increasingly heterogeneous traffic. Revolutionary network infrastructures are emerging to enable mobile users, ubiquitous computing, the “Internet of Things,” and other applications. The ICST Transactions on Emerging Internet Infrastructures seek to publish high-quality papers that represent important theoretical and experimental contributions to network infrastructure research. The journal’s focus is on innovative architectures, services, and protocols for emerging network infrastructures that have broad, general use or that are constrained and informed by specific constraints of underlying communications technology or requirements of specific application domains.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, infrastructures for high-performance networks; network infrastructures for quality of service; security and assurance for network infrastructures; tools and methods for large-scale network management; novel network infrastructures for developing economies; community network infrastructures; rapidly-deployed network infrastructures for military and disaster response; robust and secure public safety and military network infrastructures; core network services and protocols for mesh and ad-hoc wireless networks; airborne and satellite-based network infrastructures; network infrastructures for large-scale cyber-physical systems; infrastructures for vehicular networks; infrastructures for large-scale sensor networks; infrastructures for ubiquitous computing and the Internet of Things; virtualisation of infrastructure; network test beds; simulation and other methods and tools for the design and analysis of network infrastructures; and network science for network infrastructures.
Papers that report on the creation of novel network test beds and research tools, present results from rigorous test bed and simulation experiments, and describe the novel integration of research and education are of particular interest. The journal strongly encourages and facilitates the open sharing of models, code, and data to ensure rigor in experimental research and to be a catalyst for experimental and data-driven research in the network infrastructure research community.

Network infrastructures, ubiquitous and pervasive networking, wireless network infrastructures, sensor network infrastructures, vehicular network infrastructures, rapidly-deployed network infrastructures, network infrastructures for developing economies, network management, network test beds, network simulation
Shiwen Mao received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Polytechnic University (now Polytechnic Institute of New York University), Brooklyn, NY in 2004. He was a Research Staff Member with IBM China Research Lab from 1997 to 1998, and a Research Scientist in the Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech), Blacksburg, VA from 2003 to 2006. Currently, he is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Auburn University, Auburn, AL.
Dr. Mao’s research interests include modelling, performance analysis, optimization, and algorithms for wireless networks, with current focus on cognitive networks, free space optical networks, and multimedia communications. His research has been, and is supported by the US Department of Defense, US National Science Foundation, US Army, and TranSwitch Corporation. Dr. Mao is the co-author of a textbook, TCP/IP Essentials: A Lab-Based Approach (Cambridge University Press, 2004) and the co-editor of Broadband Mobile Multimedia: Techniques and Applications (CRC Press, 2008). He is the lead-recipient of the 2004 IEEE Communications Society Leonard G. Abraham Prize in the Field of Communications Systems, the co-recipient of the Best Paper Runner-up Award of QShine 2008, and received a Certificate of Appreciation from the IEEE Computer Society in 2007.
Dr. Mao is on the Editorial Board of IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Wiley International Journal of Communication Systems, Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks Journal, and ICST Transactions on Mobile Communications and Applications. He served as guest editor for ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications Journal (MONET), Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks Journal, and Inderscience International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems. He was on the Editorial Board of Hindawi Advances in Multimedia Journal and the Bentham Open Transportation Journal. He served as symposium co-chair for the Wireless Communications and Networking Symposium of ChinaCom 2008, the TPC co-chair of TRIDENTCOM 2009 and ADHOCNETS 2009. He is a member of Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, and a Senior Member of the IEEE (Communications Society and Control Systems Society)

Last modified: 2011-08-16 08:01:35


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