International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Management (ISSN: 2016-0496)
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
IJOAEM is an open access unpaid rapid peer-reviewed, an interdisciplinary international platform for disseminating results of relevant research related to all the disciplines of engineering, science, technology, etc. IJOAEM invites all research, review articles, short communications & technical notes that describe significant advances studies in the areas of Engineering, Technology, Science.All scientific engineering research & technology area i.e. Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering, Information Engineering and Technology, Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, Robotics, Industrial Automation and Mechatronics Engineering, Material and Chemical Engineering, Civil and Architecture Engineering, Biotechnology and BioEngineering, Environmental Engineering, Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Marine and Agriculture Engineering, Aerospace Engineering & more relevant fields.
Last modified: 2016-11-19 20:24:21
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