The scientific journal “Tomsk State University Journal of Biology” (ISSN: 1998-8591)
PublisherTomsk State University
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
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The scientific journal “Tomsk State University Journal of Biology” publishes the results of the completed original researches (theoretic and experimental articles) in different areas of contemporary biology which have not been published before in this or any other edition. Besides it includes descriptions of conceptually new methods of research, round-up articles on particular topics, reviews and chronicle.The decision on publication is taken by the scientific editorial board after reviewing, considering its correspondence to the subject area of the journal, topicality of the problem, scientific and practical novelty and value, professionalism of work execution including statistical treatment of data research materials and quality of material preparation and presentation.
The main requirements to the articles are novelty and validity of factual material, clarification and brevity of the summary, reproducibility of experimental data and appropriate presentation of the manuscript (to know more about the requirements to the rules of material presentation, please, see “Presentation rules” ). The medium term of publication is 1?2 years after receiving a paper variant of the package of documents.
The scientific journal “Tomsk State University Journal of Biology” is read and reviewed and is included on “The list of the leading reviewed scientific journals and editions where the main scientific results of candidate’s or doctoral thesis are to be published” (Decision of the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles as of February 19, 2010, № 6/6 ? /index.php?id4=2571). The journal is registered in Russian Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Mass Communication, Communications and the Protection of Cultural Heritage (certification of registration: PI № FS 77-29499 as of September 27, 2007). It is given an international standard serial edition number (ISSN 1998?8591).
All articles received by the editorial board are to be reviewed. Publications in the journal are free (on non-commercial basis).
“Tomsk State University Journal of Biology” is issued quarterly and is distributed by subscription only; its subscription index can be found in the unified catalogue “The Press of Russia”. Full-text versions of the issued editions are available at “Archives”.
Tomsk State University, Biological Institute, 36 Lenina St., Tomsk, 634050, Russia
Chairman ? Sergey P. Kulizhskiy, Doctor of Biology, Professor
Phone 8?(382?2)?529?853
Fax (382?2)?529?853
Executive secretary ? Elena E. Akimova, Candidate of Biology
Fax (382?2)?529?853
Last modified: 2013-10-24 23:34:49
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