FES: Finance. Economy. Strategy (ISSN: 1995-7637)
PublisherLLC Fineconomservice2000
IF(Impact Factor)2024 Evaluation Pending
FES - Scientific and practical edition.Magazine ?FES: Finance. Economy. Strategy? leaves as the collection of scientific works and goes to subscribers to educational institutions, establishments of the power and the operating enterprises. The magazine goes to addresses of obligatory mailing. The new number which subject is defined by a magazine series is monthly formed: ?Innovative economy: human measurement?.
Founder of the scientific periodical: LLC Finekonomservice 2000.
The scientific direction of the periodical - Economy, management, computer facilities and informatics, engineering and agroindustrial specialties.
Year of establishment of the scientific periodical 2004, magazine re-registration in 2007. Former periodicity of the scientific periodical: 4 numbers in a year. Monthly the magazine leaves since July, 2008.
Main headings (sections) of the magazine:
Theory and methodology of modern economy and law
Russia and world economy
Innovative aspects of strategic development of Russia
Information technologies in market economy
Management of economy in a market economy
Organization of production and marketing
Economic policy of the state
Economy and society
Last modified: 2017-12-31 13:07:55
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