Canadian Journal on Image Processing and Computer Vision (ISSN: 1923-1717)
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
Canadian Journal on Image Processing and Computer VisionISSN: 1923-1717
Canadian Journal on Image Processing and Computer Vision is an open access journal encompassing contents on image interpretation, understanding and computer vision. It aims at disseminating original research and practical systems contribution in form of research papers, tutorials, survey article from professional engineers, researchers and scientists in industry and academia.
Canadian Journal on Image Processing and Computer Vision includes topics but not limited to: Enhancement and restoration, interpolation of images and videos, compression schemes of images and videos, image and video coding algorithms, motion estimation, morphology, segmentation, scene modeling, feature extraction and representation, camera calibration, pose estimation, scene classification, pattern recognition, novel computer vision applications, case studies, gesture recognition, human computer interaction, biometrics algorithms and systems, monitoring and surveillance, stereo vision, human activity recognition, active vision and robotic systems, hand writing and character recognition, image sensor architectures and VLSI issues for image sensors, video indexing, spatial databases design, spatial database search and retrieval, data structures for image and computer vision, numerical methods and discrete geometry etc. Proposals for special issues are also welcomed.
Article Submission
Article submission for Canadian Journal on Image Processing and Computer Vision has no deadline and submission is possible at all times. A blind review process is conducted for each submitted particle. Expected publication time is initially dependent upon the response from reviewers and revision requirements laid by the reviewer. However fast paced review process is emphasized and expectedly a quality article should take less than a month publication time.
Articles are accepted in form of word documents with .doc or .docx extensions alongwith copyright form signed by the authors
Last modified: 2011-02-19 20:08:21
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