Canadian Journal on Network and Information Security (ISSN: 1923-1687)
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
- International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security
- International Journal of Information and Network Security (IJINS)
- Annual Canadian Information Technology Security Symposium
- Canadian Heritage Information Network, CHIN, the year in perspective
- Proceedings ... annual Canadian Information Technology Security Symposium
Canadian Journal on Network and Information SecurityISSN: 1923-1687
Canadian Journal on Network and Information Security is an open access journal encompassing contents on security issues of network technologies emerged in recent past such as world wide web, wired and wireless personal area, local area, metropolitan area, wide area, cellular, cognitive, optical and ad-hoc networks . Journal also deals with security issues about information management, communication, retrieval, authentication, storage of present world amass data. It aims at disseminating original research and practical systems contribution in form of research papers, tutorials, survey articles from engineers, researchers and scientists in industry and academia.
Canadian Journal on Network and Information Security includes topics but not limited to: Security issues of networks and information from different perspectives such as confidentiality, integrity, authenticity, risk management, non-repudiation, administrative controls, logical controls, physical controls, information security classification, access control, cryptography, security governance, disaster recovery planning, security audit, biometrics etc. across various emerged wired and wireless personal area, local area, metropolitan area, wide area, cellular, cognitive, optical and ad-hoc networks.
Article Submission
Article submission for Canadian Journal on Network and Information Security has no deadline and submission is possible at all times. A blind review process is conducted for each submitted particle. Expected publication time is initially dependent upon the response from reviewers and revision requirements laid by the reviewer. However fast paced review process is emphasized and expectedly a quality article should take less than a month publication time.
Articles are accepted in form of word documents with .doc or .docx extensions alongwith copyright form signed by the authors
Last modified: 2011-02-19 20:10:17
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