Tyragetia (ISSN: 1857-0240)
PublisherNational Museum of History of Moldova
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
Journal “Tyragetia”, published by the National Museum of History of Moldova, is accredited (category B) and listed in the National Register of scientific journals.The journal was founded in 1991, the first issue saw the light in 1992. 15 issues have been published by 2006 with a frequency of one volume per year.
The new series of the journal is being published starting with 2007 in two issues annually: Vol. 1. Archaeology. Ancient History and Vol. 2. History. Museology.
In the new series of the journal “Tyragetia” are published studies of archaeology, history, museology, results of archaeological-historical interdisciplinary research, studies on heritage protection etc. The published materials cover the geographic area of the Balkan-Carpathian-Pontic space and the entire Eurasian continent.
The journal aims at promoting results of scientific investigations conducted by collaborators of the National Museum of History of Moldova and researchers from institutions in Moldova and from abroad.
All scientific articles submitted for publication in the journal "Tyragetia" are reviewed under the peer review system.
The journal “Tyragetia” is guided in its activity by ethical principles set out in COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors
Tyragetia is an Open Access research journal, freely accessible online. Following the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) definition of the “Open Access”, the users have the right to “read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link” to the full texts of articles.
The journal does not charge for processing and editing articles. Authors receive a copy of the journal in which the article was published without any charge.
Last modified: 2017-02-20 22:48:54