PolHis: Boletín bibliográfico electrónico del Programa Buenos Aires de Historia Política (ISSN: 1853-7723)
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
PolHis: Boletín bibliográfico electrónico del Programa Buenos Aires deHistoria Política
PolHis: Boletín bibliográfico electrónico del Programa Buenos Aires de Historia Política is a biannual publication which aims to serve as a space for the discussion of political history between the start of the 19th century until present day. The journal features unpublished, original research, post-gradute theses, and articles and gives preference to those which include historiographical and issue-based debates. Additionally, interviews with historians and social scientists that reflect their positions as to the debate of key themes and issue in their respective areas of interest. Articles are published in Spanish and Portuguese.
E-ISSN: 1853-7723
Contact: Programa Buenos Aires de Historia Política
E-mail: boletin-AT-historiapolitica.com
Last modified: 2013-01-13 00:03:37
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