Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (ISSN: 1813-162X)
PublisherCollege of Engineering- Tikrit University
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
- Tikrit Journal For Political Science
- Tikrit Journal For Political Science
- International Journal of Computer Sciences, Software Engineering and Electrical Communication Engineering
- Journal of New Approaches to Basic Sciences, Engineering and Engineering
- Engineering sciences data. Physical data, chemical engineering
The Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (Tikrit j. eng. sci.) (TJES) is a peer-reviewed journal published by the College of Engineering, Tikrit University. TJES is not limited to a specific aspect of science and engineering but is instead devoted to a wide range of subfields in the engineering sciences. While it encourages a broad spectrum of contribution in the engineering sciences, its core interest lies in issues concerning material modeling and response. Articles of interdisciplinary nature are particularly welcome.In addition to the Engineering disciplines of Civil, Chemical, Electrical, Mechanical, Petroleum Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Environmental, Systems Engineering, TJES is interested with a theme issue on specific topics.
TJES was originally published in 1994 with a one issue per year; it had basic requirements and sources. TJES issued two issues in 1999 and started in 4 issues per year since 2004.
TJES invites research papers that encompass conceptual analysis, design implementation and performance evaluation. All papers, submitted for possible publication at TJES, are subject to a double-blind check, peer review process, plagiarism and similarity tests. Submissions are accepted only in English and Arabic. Arabic papers should contain title, summary, keywords and key information in English.
Last modified: 2021-09-30 23:50:54
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