Russian Psychological Journal (ISSN: 1812-1853)
PublisherRussian Psychological Society
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
Russian psychological journal - international, peer-reviewed open access journal covers fundamental, applied and experimental research in the field of psychology, General psychology, psychophysiology, clinical psychology, social psychology, personality psychology, historical psychology; as well as various specialties of pedagogy. The journal discusses current issues, new social realities and prospects for the development of psychological discourse. The publication adheres to the principles of secularism, humanity and democracy, does not publish popular and propaganda materials. In accordance with the editorial policy, articles of interest to the wider academic community and readers who are both researchers and practitioners are welcomed. Articles are placed under the headings corresponding to the subject of the journal.The editorial Board of the Russian psychological journal sees its mission in covering new research in the field of psychology and pedagogy, systematization of information and popularization of knowledge, increasing public importance and wide availability of research.
The main strategic goal of the Russian psychological journal is to improve the quality and openness of psychological science. We strive to maintain a high level of psychological research and increase the availability of scientific knowledge for all categories of readers.
Last modified: 2019-04-07 02:33:23