Brazilian Business Review (ISSN: 1807-734X)
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
BBR – Brazilian Business Review mission is to contribute to the construction and updating of knowledge in business through the dissemination of empirical and theoretical articles.Provide and maintain access to empirical and theoretical articles in business;
Encourage the interdisciplinary debate, as well as a critical vision of the knowledge in management, accounting, and economics;
Support academic activities and actions in management, accounting, and economics of public, private, and third sector organizations, with contents that contributes both with the academia and the managerial practice;
Supply professors, researchers, and students from management, accounting, economics, and related areas, with results from investigation and academic production developed in graduate programs in Brazil and abroad.
Target Audience
Professors, researchers, undergrad and graduate students interested in obtaining in-depth knowledge in business.
High quality research in business. Themes include, but are not limited to, management, accounting, controllership, finance, information management, innovation management, strategy, and economics. We welcome papers developed in public, private, or third sector organizations.
Responsibility for published texts in BBR – Brazilian Business Review.
The articles published in BBR – Brazilian Business Review are the author's exclusive responsibility. The rights, including translation, are reserved and transferred to BBR - Brazilian Business Review.
Parts of texts published in BBR – Brazilian Business Review may be cited following the required legal conditions that govern the subject.
Last modified: 2018-12-12 02:00:34