IPRI Journal (ISSN: 1684-9787)
PublisherIslamabad Policy Research Institute
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
Scope of the Journal:The IPRI Journal is dedicated to research, analysis and evaluation of international strategic and emerging issues as well as events of global and regional importance relevant to South Asia in general and Pakistan in particular.
Submission Deadlines:
Research scholars who wish to contribute original, unpublished articles to the Journal may submit these by the end of March for the Summer Issue and by the end of September for the Winter Issue.
Article Word Limit:
Articles should be between 5000-8000 words, with an abstract of 150-200 words, along with key words.
Book Reviews:
Reviews of recent books by scholars of standing in their field should be approximately 1000 words.
Editorial and Review Process:
All submissions are screened using Turnitin - a similarity detection software. Referenced/cited text should not exceed 19 per cent of the manuscript. Articles shortlisted by the Editorial Board undergo three double-blind reviews (national and international). During this stage, articles may not be approved for publication by the referees. However, if they are found suitable for the Journal, reviewers may recommend either major or minor changes in the manuscript. The revision process might comprise multiple rounds. Peer review timelines vary depending on reviewer availability and responsiveness.
Citation Format:
Footnotes should be based on The Chicago Manual of Style 16th Edition (Full Note).
Last modified: 2020-08-24 15:15:04