MANAS Journal of Social Studies (ISSN: 1624-7213)
PublisherKyrgyz Turkish Manas University
IF(Impact Factor)0.206 / 2017
Manas Journal of Social Studies (Manas Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi) is an international peer-reviewed, scientific and electronic journal. Bishkek- Kyrgyzstan is the center of Manas Journal of Social Studies (MJSS). It is a publication of Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University. MJSS is published four times a year, that is once every three months. MJSS journal was published by the KTMU Institute of Social Sciences from 2001 until 2012 with the name of "Manas University Journal of Social Sciences". Since 2012, it has been published electronically with the name of “Manas Journal of Social Studies”. Articles submitted to the journal must be authentic, and based on theoretical and practical knowledge. It is required to submit articles which have not been published anywhere before. Articles in Kyrgyz, Turkish, other Turkic languages, Russian and English are published in Manas Journal of Social Studies. When an article is submitted to Manas Journal of Social Studies, it is considered as an application for publication. Copyright fee is not paid for articles. Any legal responsibility for the content of an article published in MJSS journal belongs to the author / authors. MJSS journal has the right to make corrections in submitted writings as well as to publish or not to publish them.Last modified: 2018-10-10 19:44:28
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