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Brunei Darussalam journal of technology and commerce (ISSN: 1605-2285)

PublisherInstitut Teknologi Brunei



IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending



The aim of this journal is to publish high quality and original research, theoretical and review articles in areas of engineering, science and business management. The journal's scope covers the following major areas (but is not limited to):
1. Communications and Computer Systems Engineering:
Computer Networking and Modelling
Multimedia Communication Systems
Digital Communication and Fibre Optic Systems
2. Electrical Power and Building Services Engineering:
Building Automation and Intelligent Building
Building Services
Generation, Transmission and Utilization of Electrical power
3. Civil Engineering:
Civil Engineering Design and Application
Construction and Management
Environmental Engineering
Transportation Engineering
Water Resources
4. Mechanical Engineering:
Thermo-fluid Engineering
Computer Aided Drafts and Design
Manufacturing and CIM Systems
5. Business and Management:
Islamic accounting Practice
Human Resource Management
Entrepreneurship Development
6. Computer Science and Information Technology:
Software Engineering
Computer Aided Drafts and Design
Manufacturing and CIM Systems
Issues in Information Systems
Database and Networking
Editor-in-Chief, BDJTC
Institut Teknologi Brunei
Jalan Tungku Link
Gadong BE1410
Brunei Darussalam
Tel: +673-2461020
Fax: +673-2461035 / 6
Email: or
Subscription Rate
B$10 (10 Brunei Dollars) for those resident in Brunei Darussalam and B$15 (15 Brunei Dollars) for overseas subscribers including postage.

Last modified: 2014-03-02 22:27:08
