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ANNALS OF THE UNIVERSITY of ORADEA Fascicle of Management and Technological Engineering (ISSN: 1583-0691)

PublisherEditura Universitatii din Oradea-University of Oradea Publishing House



IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending



The Journal "ANNALS OF THE UNIVERSITY of ORADEA Fascicle of Management and Technological Engineering" is an Open Access Journal. We support and encourage the presentation and publishing of all scientific papers that fall in the following sections of mechanical engineering:
MECHANICS: Mechanics, Strength of Materials, Mechanical vibrations, Numerical Methods, Applied Mathematics, Machines and equipment
MECHATRONICS: Industrial robots, Mechanisms, Machine parts, Fine Mechanics, Tribology, Sensors, Artificial Intelligence, Pneumatic, and hydraulic systems
MACHINE BUILDING TECHNOLOGY: CAD/CAM techniques, Flexible integrated systems, Materials, Unconventional technologies, CNC technologies
MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMIC ENGINEERING: Production systems management, Human resources, Marketing, Quality engineering, Industrial logistics, and materials planning, Risk management, Knowledge management
ROAD VEHICLE AND TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING: New solutions for road vehicles, Road vehicles, and the environment, Advanced transportation and road traffic systems, Advanced road vehicle manufacturing processes, Modern materials, technologies and logistics for road vehicle manufacturing
These sections are neither restricted nor restricting for paper writers as Journal Editors are aware that there are highly valuable scientific papers that are difficult to include in one of these categories. Because it is usually their original topics, belonging to related or overlapping fields of study, not necessarily engineering (but having applications that involve engineering principles and norms, such as bioengineering and finite element analysis, used in human physiology) that promote these papers in all the international scientific events and publications, we obviously support the publication of such papers. At the same time, we particularly appreciate the value of these overlapping fields, conferred by the elements of novelty, evolution, and progress that they highlight.

Last modified: 2020-06-14 01:43:51
