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Revista Científica do CRO-RJ (Online) (ISSN: 1518-5249)

PublisherConselho Regional de Odontologia do Rio de Janeiro - CRO-RJ




IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending



The Revista Científica do CRO-RJ (Rio de Janeiro Dental Journal), a periodical published quarterly aiming at divulging and promoting scientific production and interchange of information between the Brazilian and International community in the different areas of Dentistry and other fields of Health Care. The entire content of the Revista Científica do CRO-RJ (Rio de Janeiro Dental Journal) is available on the following web site, to which there is free access. All the articles published in the Revista Científica do CRO-RJ (Rio de Janeiro Dental Journal) have a publication license CC BY-NC-ND (
The Revista Científica do CRO-RJ (Rio de Janeiro Dental Journal) publishes original articles, clinical case reports, protocols, reviews, letters to the editor and editorials/comments. Researches involving animals and/or human beings must be accompanied by the Certificate of Approval of a Research Ethics Committee. All articles are published in PDF format, in American English and must be submitted in this language. An abstract in Portuguese is demanded at the time of submitting and sending the final version.

Last modified: 2020-12-09 03:39:47


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