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Computer Laboratory technical reports (ISSN: 1476-2986)

PublisherUniversity of Cambridge Computer



IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending



Computer Laboratory technical reports

The Computer Laboratory has published a Technical Report series (ISSN 1476-2986) since 1974. Technical reports are intended primarily for the long-term archival of results and descriptions that are not suitable for publication elsewhere, due to their length or nature. Technical reports are also the most common way to make a Computer Laboratory PhD thesis widely available. Most newer technical reports, in particular all published since 2002, are available online in PDF.
Catalogue metadata

The metadata in our Technical Report database is also available in various human- or machine-readable formats:

* HTML table with links to HTML abstracts and PDF fulltext
* PDF catalogue with abstracts
* BibTeX (info)
* Open Archives Initiative static repository and PMH gateway base URL (info)
* Simple Dublin Core in RDF/XML (info)
* DBLP XML (info)
* RFC 1807 (info)
* RSS (info)
* the original self-documenting database and abstracts files

New technical reports will be announced in the USENET newsgroups comp.doc.techreports and
Access to paper copies

Older reports can be scanned in on request, or can be ordered as a paper copy from

Technical Reports
Computer Laboratory
University of Cambridge
15 JJ Thomson Avenue
Cambridge CB3 0FD
United Kingdom

phone: +44 1223 763500
fax: +44 1223 334678

Last modified: 2010-07-29 18:44:46


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