Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (ISSN: 1365-2729)
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
- Computer Assisted Language Learning
- Proceedings of the Computer Assisted Learning and Instruction Consortium ... annual symposium on
- Proceedings of Symposium on Sharing of Computer Programs and Technology in Nuclear Medicine, Computer Assisted Data Processing
- Research in computer-assisted documentation of computer programs
- Multimedia Assisted Language Learning
The Journal of Computer Assisted Learning was launched in 1984 with the aim of making the results of valuable, relevant studies and research available to practitioners in an easily accessible way. Today, the Journal continues to publish high quality refereed papers covering a wide range of topics in the field. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning bridges the gap between research and practice. The Journal provides a medium for communication between researchers in laboratories, and training and educational institutions, and addresses the problems of ensuring that top-level research in areas such as Artificial Intelligence, Expert Systems, Cognitive Psychology and Educational Research influences.Indexed / Abstracted in
Academic Search (EBSCO)
Academic Search Elite (EBSCO)
Academic Search Premier (EBSCO)
British Education Index (British Education Index/University of Leeds)
Computer Abstracts International Database (Emerald)
Computer Science Index (EBSCO)
Contents Pages in Education (T&F)
CSA Biological Sciences Database (CSA/CIG)
CSA Computer Abstracts (CSA/CIG)
CSA Environmental Sciences & Pollution Management Database (CSA/CIG)
Current Contents (Thomson ISI)
Current Contents: Social & Behavioral Sciences (Thomson ISI)
EBSCO Professional Development Collection (EBSCO)
EBSCO Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection (EBSCO)
EBSCO Sociological Collection (EBSCO)
Ecology Abstracts (Elsevier)
Educational Research Abstracts Online (T&F)
Ergonomics Abstracts (T&F)
ERIC Database (Education Resources Information Center)
Journal Citation Reports/Social Science Edition (Thomson ISI)
Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts (CSA/CIG)
Multicultural Education Abstracts (T&F)
Proquest Education Journals (ProQuest)
Psychological Abstracts/PsycINFO (APA)
SCOPUS (Elsevier)
Social Sciences Citation Index (Thomson ISI)
Social SciSearch (Thomson ISI)
Sociology of Education Abstracts (T&F)
Studies on Women & Gender Abstracts (T&F)
Impact Factor: 1.313
ISI Journal Citation Reports © Ranking: 2009: 27/139 (Education & Educational Research)
Last modified: 2011-03-26 14:45:31
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