Uludağ University Faculty of Arts and Sciences Journal of Social Sciences (ISSN: 1302-2423)
PublisherUludağ University
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
Uludağ University Faculty of Arts and Sciences Journal of Social Sciences (UUFASJSS) publishes original research articles in the fields of philology, educational science, teacher's training, fine arts, law and theology etc. with a priority given to social sciences, humanities, administrative sciences.This journal is an international, peer-reviewed journal that began its publication in 1999. Two issues, one in January and one in July is published each year. The journal is currently indexed by EBSCO, MLA (Modern Language Association) International Bibliography, Google Scholar, ULAKBİM TR DİZİN and SOBİAD.
The owner of the journal in the name of the Uludağ University, the Faculty of Arts and Sciences is the dean of the faculty. The editorial board consists of the editor, assistant editors, chiefs of the departments of Archeology, Geography, Philosophy, Psychology, Art History, Sociology, History, Turkish Language and Literature.
From 2017 on, all the submission and review works of the papers that are sending to our journal are processed online via DergiPark System. Also, every paper published by the journal has received a DOI number by DergiPark since 2014.
You can send your questions, opinions and advises at: sbd-AT-uludag.edu.tr
Last modified: 2018-02-22 21:20:51