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SANAT TARİHİ DERGİSİ / Journal of Art History (ISSN: 1300-5707)

PublisherEge University, Faculty of Letters, Department of Art History



IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending



Journal Of Art History is a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal, and is published biannually; in April and October.
Journal Of Art History has the purposes of contributing to the information generation and knowledge accumulation on a scientific level in the field of Art History as well as the related fields such as art, cultural heritage and architecture; providing opportunities to discuss and debate on new findings and various aspects of the related fields; and it intends to be a platform enabling the researchers to present their studies to other researchers and the community.
The scope of the Journal is mainly the field of art history including Turkish & Islamic Arts, Byzantine Arts, Art of Europe and Contemporary Art branches and also fields of art (except for the literary arts, music, stage and performance arts) involving all other geographies and cultures of the world, architecture, cultural heritage. The content of the journal includes the research papers written on the related subjects about the fields in question, excavation reports, examinations, documentations, evaluation and translation as well as the promotion, discussion and critical reviews addressing the scientific papers.
The articles, which must certainly be unique and which are prepared within the framework of the above-mentioned scope and purpose, can be indited in Turkish and English languages. The writers are acknowledged to undertake that the mentioned article is not published or sent to be published anywhere else, the article is clean in terms of ‘plagiarism' and the visual-graphical materials such as photograph, drawing, picture, and document within the article content do not have any copyright issue.
(The legal and ethical responsibility of the articles, presented to printing and finally published in the journal upon accepting these conditions, belong the writer.)
Journal of Art History does not charge any fee for article submission and publication.
Furthermore, the writers are considered to acknowledge that;
● The Journal of Art History do not carry a commercial quality; and therefore, the writers shall not be made any payment;
● They will be sent one copy of the published/printed edition containing their articles via post;
● Their article in the journal is also published at the “open access model,” where all of the internet users can view and download the document in pdf format through Dergipark, within the body of TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM and/or various national-international indexes;
and, in this respect, are considered to dispose of the copyrights to the Journal of Art History.
(Note: Currently, one copy of the printed edition of the journal, which is printed in 100 copies, is sent to the writers and the reviewers, some institutions and university libraries.)
The articles sent to be published are expected to comply with the spelling, punctuational and general rules of the language they're written in, as well as the spelling rules of the journal. The articles sent to the journal are first analyzed and approved by the editor and the publication board, within the framework of the relevant criteria, and then scanned for “plagiarism” by means of some softwares. In consequence of the scanning of the main text in the article, the ratio of similiarity with the other texts without providing references shall not pass 15%, with the exclusion of the bibliography and the references. It could be asked the writer to improve the situation for the ratios between 15% and 30%. However, the article is rejected in case of similarities over 30% with unprovided references. In case of the positive result of this “pre-review” phase; the article is sent to two reviewers in compliance with the “Double blind peer review” principle. In case of the contrast views of the two reviewers, a third reviewer is asked for opinion. (The reviewers are designated in accordance with the area of specialization, among the names listed under the title of Academic Advisory Board of the journal. In case of having an article with a specific subject out of the specialty of the scientists on the list, the relevant scientists are consulted, and the list is updated by adding the names of these reviewers to the board list.) Accepting the articles to the publication programme is possible with at least two “positive reports” from the related scientific advisors/reviewers. During the mentioned asssesment process, the writer could be asked to make the necessary alterations and corrections.
For more informations see:

Last modified: 2017-06-04 05:12:46
