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The Journal of E-Government Policy and Regulation I-Ways (ISSN: 1084-4678)

PublisherIOS Press



IF(Impact Factor)2024 Evaluation Pending



I-Ways; The Journal of E-Government Policy and Regulation is dedicated to publishing facts and analysis on strategic developments and opinions of leading commentators on economic, policy, regulation and applications of electronic government services over the Internet and other communications networks. The ICT infrastructure and services necessary for the delivery e-government benefits as well as accompanying applications and reforms in administrative practices, will be major features of I-Ways. While the focus of articles describing e-government programs will be world-wide, there is a consensus by most national governments, international organizations, non-governmental bodies and others concerned with economic and social development, that e-government represents the most cost-effective and efficient process to pursue in developing countries to accelerate the development process. Impetus for placing high priority on e-government is rooted in the programs of the United Nations, such as the 'Digital Divide' and 'Millennium Declaration', as well as receiving high priority by the European Union in its 2030 e-Europe programs. The OECD is another key leader in promoting e-government programs in its 29 member countries. The World Bank through infoDev and other divisions is attaching high priority to designing models of e-tovernment initiatives, in the form of an elaborate Knowledge Map that tracks what is known about e-tovernment and an e-gov Toolkit and related training materials oriented to provide practical assistance to government officials in developing countries. The main components of e-government focused on include: strategy and planning; organization, implementation and management; financial requirements; training and workforce needs; policy, law and regulation; infrastructure and interoperability. Two important dimension of e-government programs are the financial assistance being provided by a number of international donor organizations and public-private partnerships (PPP) being established. Among the intergovernmental leaders are the World Bank, the UN Development Program, UN Education, Social and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the Asia Development Bank (ADB) and Development Gateway Foundation. Many national governments in Europe, North America and Japan have established development assistance projects. A number of non-governmental organizations also have launched projects to assist particular developing countries. PPP involve private enterprises providing training, technical knowledge, outsourcing tasks in cooperation with government agencies.

Last modified: 2011-04-18 06:42:54


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