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Journal of Network and Systems Management (ISSN: 1064-7570)





IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending



Offers original research, surveys and case studies in network and system management
Presents new information on the telecommunications and computing aspects of these fields, and their evolution and emerging integration
Covers architecture, analysis, design, software, standards
Examines operation, management, and control of distributed systems and communication networks for voice, data, image, and networked computing
Ranked 18 out of 77 in the 'Telecommunications' category of the Journal Citation Reports®, Thomson Reuters
The Journal of Network and Systems Management offers peer-reviewed original research along with surveys and case studies in the fields of network and system management. The journal regularly disseminates significant new information on the telecommunications and computing aspects of these fields, as well as their evolution and emerging integration. This outstanding quarterly covers architecture, analysis, design, software, standards, and migration issues related to the operation, management, and control of distributed systems and communication networks for voice, data, image, and networked computing.

Related subjects ? Communication Networks - Information Systems and Applications - Operations Research & Decision Theory - Signals & Communication

IMPACT FACTOR: 1.356 (2009) *
* Journal Citation Reports®, Thomson Reuters

Academic OneFile, Academic Search, ACM Computing Reviews, ACM Digital Library, Cabell's, CAS, Computer Science Index, Current Abstracts, Current Contents/Engineering, Computing and Technology, DBLP, Earthquake Engineering Abstracts, EBSCO, EI-Compendex, Engineered Materials Abstracts, Gale, Google Scholar, Inspec,, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA), OCLC, Proquest, Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch), SCOPUS, Summon by Serial Solutions

Last modified: 2011-02-15 12:18:52


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