Journal of Signal and Image Processing (ISSN: 0976-8882)
PublisherBioinfo Publications
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
- IJSIP International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
- Hybrid image and signal processing
The journal focuses on the articles in advances in key compound classes and research areas of Techniques of—Any novel approaches Signal and Image Processing
2D and 3D image/video acquisition and display technologies
2D and 3D image/video quality measures
3D graphics and animation compression
3D video representations and compression
Active vision and robotic systems
Active/passive imaging techniques,
Adaptive DSP algorithms
Advanced electromagnetic imaging techniques are strongly encouraged
Advanced image enhancement and processing algorithms
Algorithms for image interpolation
Analog/digital circuits and systems for audio, image and video processing
Architecture of imaging and vision systems
Architectures and VLSI hardware
Architectures for image/video processing and communication
Array processing
Atomic force microscopy (AFM)
Audio enhancement
Audiovisual databases
Autonomous vehicles
Biomedical optics and cancer detection,
Biometric imaging,
Blurred and noisy image processing
Bmissions of original papers are invited in, but not restricted to, the following areas:
Cargo inspection,
Character and handwritten text recognition
Chemoluminescence, optical contrast agents, reporters, nanoparticles and nanostructures
Coding and transmission
Cognitive aspects of image understanding
Colour and 3D vision
Communication of visual data
Concurrent architecture for multidimensional signal processing
Confocal microscopy
Content description
Content-based image/video indexing and retrieval
Data fusion and high-level computer vision
Data fusion from multiple sensor inputs
Data fusion Technologies
Defects and surface anomalies,
Design and development of high resolution electronic imaging detectors
Detector physics, ultrasound transducers
Detectors and Image Formation
Digital transforms
Document image understanding
Edge detection, image analysis and classification
Efficient target detection, identification, discrimination, and reconnaissance techniques,
Emerging Detection and Imaging Technologies
Expert systems Technologies
External Reflection techniques, backscattering multispectral polarimetry
Face and gesture processing
Fast processing of remotely sensed multidimensional data
Figures of merit for assessing the image quality
Filter bank theory
Fuzzy neural and evolutionary techniques for image enhancement
Fuzzy systems Technologies
Genetic algorithms Technologies
Guided biopsy imaging,
HDTV and 3DTV systems
Image analysis and interpretation
Image and video analysis
Image and video coding
Image capturing
Image databases
Image formation processes
Image generation
Image manipulation
Image processing: coding analysis and recognition
Image representation and modelling
Image restoration and enhancement
Image restoration, feature extraction
Image scanning
Image sensing
Image system design parameters, such as spectral response, spatial resolution, contrast resolution, temporal response, system efficiency, noise analysis, data acquisition electronics, and measuring techniques
Image System Design, Image Instrumentation and Measuring Techniques
Image/video coding
Imaging for the exploration of space, mine detection,
Imaging quality parameters as applied to optical imaging, CT, MRI, digital radiography, SPECT, PET, ultrasound, multi-fusion/multi-modality imaging, RADARS, LADARS, LIDARS, electromagnetic imaging, microwave imaging, THZ waves.
Imaging Systems Engineering
Improvised Explosive devices (IED) detection,
Interactive visual communication
Interpolation and decimation schemes
Ionizing radiation (x-rays, gamma rays) detectors
Latent image
Light illumination, detectors, and scanning techniques
Light wave sources, quantum nanoparticles and detection mechanisms
Lightwave sources, single-molecule optics, fluorescent particles
Linear and Nonlinear Techniques for Image Processing
Metadata and Media Abstracts
Miniaturised biochemical sensors
miniaturised portable imaging devices
Molecular imaging and spectroscopy
MRI coils, phased array antenna elements
Multi-camera video analysis motion analysis
Multidimensional realization theory
Multidimensional sampling strategies
Multidimensional signal processing
Multidimensional spectrum estimation
Multimedia Content Processing
Multimedia Data Compression
Multimedia Servers
Multimedia services
Multimedia streaming
Multimedia Systems
Multimodal interfaces
Multi-modality imaging
Multi-user video conferencing
Multivariate approximation
Nanoimaging and Molecular Nanophotonics
Nanoinstrumentation and Techniques
Nanoscopic Optical Sensors and Probes
Nanotubes, proteins, DNA probes
Near-field optics probes
Near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM)
Network architecture for real-time video transport
Networked multimedia
Neural networks Technologies
New media Technologies
New visual services over ATM/packet network
Noise estimation and filtering
Nondestructive evaluation (NDE)
Non-impact printing technologies
Non-linear systems
Novel detection mechanisms
Novel imaging principles and paradigms leading to the development of high resolution-high specificity imaging technological paradigms
Object modeling and knowledge acquisition
Optical biosensing techniques
Optical detectors and cameras
Optical polarimetric imaging
Pattern recognition Technologies
Peer-to-peer video networking
Perimeter surveillance
Photographic emulsions
Photonanofabrication based on near-optics
Physiological imaging
Post-processing techniques for the correction of coding errors
Pre/post processing
Prepress and printing technologies
Processing and analysis
Programmable signal processors
Protocols for packet video
Quantum dots imaging
Real-time software
Remote image sensing
Retrieval and multimedia
Rights protection and management
Scalable techniques
Seamless audiovisual networks
Security imaging
Signal modeling
Signal Processing
Signal-processing aspects of image processing
Single-molecule fluorescence spectroscopy and microscopy
Specific detection modalities: polarisation microscopy, spectral dispersion of emission, fluorescent resonance energy transfer (FRET), two-photon excitation, time-dependent dynamical studies
Spectral analysis and transform techniques
Spectrum estimation and processing
Speech and audio compression
Speech processing and recognition
Surface plasmon resonance
Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy
THz imaging systems,
tomographic imaging,
Total internal reflection techniques
Universal multimedia access
UV/V/NIR/IR imaging and arrays
Velocity filtering
Video adaptation
Video coding algorithms and technologies
Video over IP
Video restoration and super-resolution
Video synthesis
Visual communications
Visual inspection
Visual surveillance
Wireless and mobile multimedia
Wireless video broadcasting and communication
Journal of Signal and Image Processing, ISSN: 0976-8882 & E-ISSN: 0976-8890, is an essential journal for all academic and industrial researchers who want expert knowledge on all major advances research areas in the Signal and Image Processing.
The journal aims to provide the most complete and reliable source of information on current developments in the field. The emphasis will be on publishing quality articles rapidly and openly available to researchers worldwide. All published articles will be deposited immediately upon publication in widely and internationally recognized open access repository. Moreover, it is providing the maximum exposure to the articles.
The journal will be essential reading for scientists and researchers who wish to keep abreast of the latest developments in the field. The publishers are confident of the journal’s rapid success.
Bioinfo Journals are indexed in:
Biblio [Vrije Universiteit Brussel], Bioinfopress, Cabell Publishing, Inc., USA, CAS [Chemical Abstracts Service], CSA, Directory of open access journals [DOAJ],EBSCO Publishing, eLibrary, ERIC [The Education Resources Information Center], Genamics JournalSeek, Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research, GeonD, Google Scholar, Google, IBID, IndexCopernicus, Informatics, IRNEM, J-Gate, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Lupton Library [The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga], NewJour [Electronic Journals and Newsletter], OCLC, OhioLINK, Open Access, Open J-Gate, Ovid, ProQuest, PubsHub, QSpace, SCIRUS, Smithsonian Institution Libraries, Socolar, Tulips [University of Tsukuba Library], UCSD Libraries-NewJour Project, Universe Digital Library Sdn Bhd,URMC [University of Rochester Medical Center], Wolters Kluwer Health Medical Research, Revistas Electronicas [Universidad Veracruzana], Biblioteca de Recursos, Biblioteca.Net, Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo [Università degli Studi di Padova], River Campus Libraries [University of Rochester Libraries], York University Libraries, Ulrichsweb™ [Global Serials Directory], Georgetown University Library, The University of the District of Columbia, ALADIN services, WorldCat is the world's largest library catalog, German National Library of Science and Technology, Univeristy Library Hannover - TIB/UB, Columbia University Libraries, Chabot College Library, Academic Index, Infotopia, CABI Abstracts, Global Health databases
Last modified: 2011-04-22 22:23:51
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