International Journal of Pharmacy and Life Science (IJPLS) (ISSN: 0976-7126)
IF(Impact Factor)0.402 / 2012
- International Journal of Pharmacy and Integrated Life Sciences
- International Journal of Research in Pharmacy and Life Sciences
- International Journal of Research and Development in Pharmacy & Life Sciences (IJRDPL)
- Chinese Science Abstracts.Part B, Chemistry, Life Science, Earth Sciences
International Journal of Pharmacy and Life Science (IJPLS) is an e-journal, published monthly. It is a peer reviewed journal aiming to communicate high quality original research work, reviews, short communications, case report, Ethics Forum, Education Forum and Letter to editor that contribute significantly to further the Scientific Knowledge related to the field of Pharmacy i.e. Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacognosy, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Clinical Pharmacy, Bioinformatics, Pharmaceutical Management, Health Care Management, Hospital Management, Biochemistry, Regulatory Affairs, Pharmacovigilance, Clinical Research, Hospital Pharmacy, Community Pharmacy, Quality Assurance, Pharmacy Practice, Life Sciences, (Botany, Zoology, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Agronomy, Agriculture etc.) and other related fields. Articles with timely interest and newer research concepts will be given more preference.IJPLS has successfully indexed with well renowned databases such as Google, Google scholar, Chemical Abstract, Pharmaceutical Sciences Open Access Resources (PSOAR), Index Copernicus -Journals Master List (Poland), Research Gate (Germany), Open-J-Gate, MAPA, ISA, CABI and EBSCO Publishing, Inc., USA., Ulrich’s International Periodical Directory, USA.
IJPLS have made its presence in short span of time in International community with great impact ICV- 3.75 and G-Impact Factor 0.322 for the year 2012
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Last modified: 2013-09-29 14:40:07
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