International journal of Intellectual Property Rights(IJIPR) (ISSN: 0976-6529)
PublisherInternational Association for En
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
This journal was keeping in view the importance of intellectual property rights and their protection. The objective of the journal is two-fold: firstly, to enhance communication between policy makers, organizational agents, academics, and managers on the critical understanding and research on intellectual property; secondly, to promote the development of the newly cultivated research field.The journal publishes contributed / invited articles, case studies and patent reviews; technical notes on current IPR issues; literature review; world literature on IPR; national and international IPR news, book reviews, and conference reports.The International Journal of Intellectual Property Rights is the authoritative journal for intellectual property questions in relation to trade and investment, with particular focus on the WTO and TRIPS (the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights). More than any other journal, it discusses in depth all TRIPS-related developments, the decisions on TRIPS rendered by the WTO Dispute Settlement Body, and the efforts made by each country to adjust their legislation to TRIPS requirements. However, it also provides much more, and publishes articles by the best experts on a wide range of subjects, such as antitrust and IP rights, encryption, security and privacy in electronic commerce, patents and the copyright exhaustion doctrine, and parallel imports. The International Journal of Intellectual Property Rights is a refereed journal
Topic of Interest
The International Journal of Intellectual Property Rights is a quarterly journal focusing on patent rights, copyrights, trademark, trademark law, public interest litigations, WIPO and TRIPS, software and intellectual rights, IPR crimes, remedies and safety, international treaties, conventions and declarations
Audience : Students, Research Scholars, Faculty Members and Professionals
Submission : Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically to (Word or Pdf Format),,
Publication Months and Frequency : January, April, July and October (Four issues per year)
Annual Subscription Price:
Library/ Institutional/Individual/ Personnel : Print (plus online free): Rs. 2000 Online Only: Rs. 1000
Outside India : Print (plus online free): US$ 200 Online Only: US$ 100
Last modified: 2011-05-02 17:40:10