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International Journal of Statistics and Management System (ISSN: 0973-7359)

PublisherSerials Publications



IF(Impact Factor)2024 Evaluation Pending



IJSMS: The journal publishes two issues per year. IJSMS publishes research and review articles in Statistics and Management Systems, including, but not limited to, papers in areas such as: statistical modeling, nonparametric statistics, Bayesian inference, survival analysis, reliability, time series, data mining, statistical learning, curve estimation, management systems, operations research, decision analysis, inventory and scheduling problems, game and auction theory, quality and process control, analytical or algorithmic optimization, stochastic models in finance, network theory and portfolio analysis.IJSMS will publishes: Research articles which contain significant and original contributions. Survey articles on topics of wide interest. In special cases, the journal will publish papers with discussion

Last modified: 2011-04-09 16:33:20


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