Boletín Médico de Postgrado (ISSN: 0798-0361)
PublisherUniversidad Centroccidental "Lisandro Alvarado", Barquisimeto. Venezuela
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
The Boletín Médico de Postgrado was first published in 1985 as informative body of research papers of the then School of Medicine, currently Dean of Health Sciences, under the direction of professional notorious of medicine and professor of this institution, Dr. Carlos Rivero, with the idea of disseminating scientific events of medicine.Dr. Alberto Roberti, who since 2007 is the editor of this magazine, reported that the frequency has been affected for several periods. In 2012 the volume reached XXIII publication. He explained that the idea is to keep the quality standards of this publication, which has received national recognition, prevailing ethical criteria in the selection of items.
Last modified: 2015-10-07 00:20:04
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