The Federal labor-management consultant (ISSN: 0046-3418)
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
- Federal procurement data system. Combined special analyses, SA5 labor surplus preference actions, SA6 top 100 contractors, SA7 R & D contracting, SA9 consultant awards
- Decisions and reports on rulings of the Assistant Secretary of Labor for Labor-Management Relations
- Rulings on requests for review of the Assistant Secretary of Labor for Labor-Management Relations pursuant to Executive order 11491, as amended
- Index of decisions and reports on rulings issued by the Assistant Secretary of Labor for labor-management relations, pursuant to Executive Order 11491, as amended
- Supplemental digest and index of published decisions of the Assistant Secretary of Labor for Labor-Management Relations pursuant to Executive Order 11491, as amended
Last modified: 1970-01-01 09:00:00
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