Tecnica Molitoria (ISSN: 0040-1862)
PublisherChiriotti Editori
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
TECNICA MOLITORIA after 60 years is still the only Italian independent trade magazine which offers reports and contents appreciated for their professionalism, pragmatism, usefulness, and objectivity. It is devoted to the operators of the following sectors: storage, milling, flours, feedstuff, dried pasta, fresh pasta, rice, pet food.This magazine provides a complete roundup of information on all aspects of the industry, thus featuring: technical and scientific articles; news from Italian and international fairs; reports on national and international conferences and meetings; legislation updates; statistics and marketing; descriptions of new machines, analytical tools, equipment, etc.; disinfestation, IPM, monitoring; downstream, packaging, logistics, etc.
Last modified: 2017-03-27 23:16:33
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