Oftalmologicheskii zhurnal (ISSN: 0030-0675)
PublisherThe Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
A scientific practical Journal of Ophthalmology (Ukraine) (Oftalmologicheskii Zhurnal) was founded by an academician Vlаdimir Filatov. It is a collective edition; its founders are State Institution “The Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy of National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” and Ukrainian Society of Ophthalmologists. The history of the Journal began in 1946 when the first issue was published.The aim of the journal is to develop scientific potential in the field of ophthalmology, to provide the practicing ophthalmologists with information on the latest clinical and laboratory researches, and to support scientists and junior researchers. Journal of Ophthalmology (Ukraine) publishes articles of Ukrainian and foreign scientists, residents and students as well as the proceedings of scientific conferences.
Journal of Ophthalmology (Ukraine) contains articles on eye diseases diagnosis and treatment, eye care, eye diseases prevention, history of ophthalmology, organization of eye care to population, technical equipment problems. It is committed to publishing original scientific researches and review articles on theory and practice of Ukrainian and foreign ophthalmology, cases, reviews, inventions, historical and medical reviews. It contains peer-reviews of books on ophthalmology, articles on activity of ophthalmologic societies, congresses and conferences chronicles. Journal is designed to ophthalmologists and scientific researchers in the field of vision physiology and eye diseases clinic.
Last modified: 2015-01-13 18:40:31