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Science and world (ISSN: 2308-4804)

PublisherScientific survey



IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending



The purpose of the journal is to let people declare about their discoveries, achievements, share best practices, theoretical knowledge at national and international levels. Scientific articles, conference proceedings and short reports of research results in different fields of science in Russian and English languages are published in the journal.
The journal "Science and world" is registered in Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications (Registration Certificate ПИ № ФС 77 - 53534, distribution territory ? the Russian Federation, foreign countries) and in ISSN International Centre (ISSN 2308-4804).
The articles published in the journal "Science and world" are considered by Higher Attestation Commission as printing work, but the journal isn't included into the peer-reviewed list (Higher Attestation Commission).
Impact factor of the journal ?Science and world? ? 0.325 (Global Impact Factor 2013, Australia)
Complete bibliographical entry of all articles of the journal is in Scientific Electronic Library for the purpose of forming Russian Index of Scientific Citing (RISC).
Full texts of the articles of each journal’s issue are placed in Open Academic Journals Index for the purpose of the impact factor calculation, examining the results of scientific researches of the authors from different countries.
Categories of the journal:
01.00.00 Physical and mathematical sciences
02.00.00 Chemical sciences
03.00.00 Biological sciences
05.00.00 Technical sciences
06.00.00 Agricultural sciences
07.00.00 Historical sciences and archeology
08.00.00 Economic sciences
09.00.00 Philosophical sciences
10.00.00 Philological sciences
12.00.00 Jurisprudence
13.00.00 Pedagogical sciences
14.00.00 Medical sciences
17.00.00 Study of art
19.00.00 Psychological sciences
22.00.00 Sociological sciences
23.00.00 Political sciences
24.00.00 Culturology
25.00.00 Earth sciences

Last modified: 2014-04-09 16:50:08
