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BULLETIN OF POSTGRADUATE EDUCATION: COLLECTION OF SCIENTIFIC PAPERS Series «Social and Behavioral Sciences; Management and Administration» Category «B» (ISSN: 3041-1858)

PublisherState Institution of Higher Education «University of Educational Management»




IF(Impact Factor)2024 Evaluation Pending



Сovers new socio-economic and political relationships that are emerging in Ukraine. Special attention is also paid to the issues of socio-psychological peculiarities of the development of postgraduate education in the conditions of socio-economic transformations, in particular, in psychology, economics, public administration.
The journal is included in the "List of Scientific and Professional Publications of Ukraine"
Оunded: 2024
Registration of Print media entity: Decision of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine: Decision № 1328 from 25.04.2024
Year of establishment of specialties: 2016 (old name of the journale)
Bulletin of postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. «Social and Behavioral Sciences Series»
Bulletin of postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. «Management and Administration Series»
Media identifier: R30-05167
Periodicity of copies: 4 times a year
Language(s) of distribution: Ukrainian, English, Polish
The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine assigned category "B"
to the professional publication in the field of knowledge by specialties:
Рublic administration
Previous ISSN 2522-9931
Previous ISSN 2522-9958

Last modified: 2024-07-04 14:53:52


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