Insights-Journal of Life and Social Sciences (ISSN: 3007-2956)
PublisherHealth And Research Insights
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
About the JournalISSN: 3007-2956
INSIGHTS-JOURNAL OF LIFE AND SOCIAL SCIENCES (IJLSS) is an international, peer-reviewed, quick-refereeing open access journal that has been published biannually since January 2023 by HEALTH AND RESEARCH INSIGHTS. The journal is designed to cater to an interdisciplinary audience and authorship, emphasizing real-world research. It welcomes submissions across a diverse range of disciplines, including education, anthropology, criminology, geography, history, political science, psychology, social policy, social work, sociology, and more. Through its rigorous and qualified double-blind peer review process, Insights-Journal of Life and Social Sciences strives to showcase the latest and most relevant scholarship in the fields it covers, offering a vibrant platform for academic discourse and societal contribution.
Last modified: 2024-05-25 21:30:06
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