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GRALIFAH (ISSN: 2960-2041)

PublisherEcole normale supérieure de Libreville




IF(Impact Factor)2024 Evaluation Pending



The GRALIFAH journal is published by the group of research in art, literature of French, English and Hispanic expression that brings together doctoral students, Doctors, researchers and research teachers from the departments of French, English, Spanish, arts and cultural education at the École Normale Supérieure de Libreville. It also welcomes contributions from experts from other universities who offer thought-provoking frameworks, new forms and new models of analysis to think about constructive contemporary mutations. In short, the work of researchers from various backgrounds in the above fields is popularized. To this end, the contributions are selected according to their originality, creativity, openness to the world, critical thinking, intellectual sensitivity, the relevance of objectives, methods and results. In fact, it is an academic scientific journal with scientific and reading committees that allows the publication of articles submitted to a double-blind evaluation and software antiplagiarism.

Last modified: 2024-08-01 19:10:23


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