American Journal of Energy and Natural Resources (AJENR) (ISSN: 2835-9186)
PublisherE-Palli Publishers
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
The American Journal of Energy and Natural Resources (AJENR) is an open access and double-blind peer-reviewed international journal publication platform aims to promote rapid communication and dialogue among researchers, scientists, and engineers working in the areas of energy and natural resources. The journal provides a focus for activities concerning the development, assessment and management of energy and natural resources related programs. The AJENR reviews papers within the the shortest possible time of submission and publishes accepted articles on the internet immediately upon receiving the final versions.ISSN: 2835-9186 (Online)
Aim & Scope
AJENR provides a focus for activities concerning the development, assessment and management of energy and natural resources related programs. It is hoped that this journal will prove to be an important factor in raising the standards of discussion, analyses, and evaluations relating to energy and natural resources programs. All articles are reviewed quickly and professionally copyedited and checked for similarity (accept only upto 25% plagiarism) to ensure quality and faster publication.
Area of publication
Energy efficiency, Energy systems operation, Power plant safety, Nuclear power issues, Energy policy and economics, Conservation of energy, Solar power and renewable energy etc.
Last modified: 2023-01-18 13:37:26
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