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Yalova University Journal of Sport Sciences (ISSN: 2822-664X)

PublisherYalova University



IF(Impact Factor)2024 Evaluation Pending



Yalova University Journal of Sports Sciences (YUJSS) contributes to the theoretical and applied fields of sports sciences and creates a scientific platform where scientists share their knowledge, experience, evaluation, opinions and suggestions, publishes original research, adopts open access policy, conducts double-blind referee evaluation, and disciplines. It aims to bring all sub-disciplines of sports sciences to the target audience and to contribute to the development of sports with all aspects. Yalova University Journal of Sport Sciences (YUJSS) includes original research articles and compilation-type publications (articles covering the latest literature comprehensively, meta-analysis studies, model recommendations, case reports, discussions, etc.) with a scientific quality. Studies on exercise and sports performance, biomechanics, sports nutrition, exercise and sports psychology, motor behavior, sports pedagogy, sports sociology, sports management, leisure time and all other sub-disciplines of sports sciences are accepted in the journal. In addition, it is a journal that adopts an online and open access policy in which special sections (Editorial article, letter to the editor, solutions to sports problems, sports science meeting news/impressions, sports science association news, web site promotion, book thesis presentation) are published.

Last modified: 2023-03-29 00:35:22


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